Knowledge construction in the academic space of the Escola Paulista de Enfermagem


  • Shirley Afonso Escola Paulista de Enfermagem/student
  • Vanessa Neves UNIFESP / Adjunct Professor, Department of Administration in Health and Nursing Services, EPE
  • Maria Itayra Padilha UFSC/Voluntary retired professor, Department of Nursing, Federal University of Santa Catarina



Nursing, Education, Education, Nursing, Universities, Curriculum


Objective: to understand how undergraduate nursing education took place at Escola Paulista de Enfermagem from 1980 to 2010. Methods: this is a qualitative study of a social historical nature, which uses thematic oral history. A director, a department vice-director, two course coordinators and two professors who worked at EPE between 1980 and 2010 participated in the study. For data analysis, we used thematic content analysis. Results: the school’s academic space plays a fundamental role for training nurses, building a specific technical-scientific knowledge focused on care. The specific characteristic of this space is to insert students in the field of work early. Final considerations: the school’s administrative organization process and the institutional culture consolidated the maintenance of the academic environment. During the period, the school administrative characteristics and the expansion of its teaching, research and extension processes in national and international inter-institutional partnerships were reviewed.


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Author Biographies

Shirley Afonso, Escola Paulista de Enfermagem/student

Master's student of the Graduate Program in Nursing of the Paulista School of Nursing, UNIFESP Member of the Study and Research Group in Health Administration and Nursing Management (GEPAG).

Vanessa Neves, UNIFESP / Adjunct Professor, Department of Administration in Health and Nursing Services, EPE

Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Services Administration and Nursing, EPE-UNIFESP. Member of the Study and Research Group in Health Services Administration and Nursing Management (GEPAG) of EPE-UNIFESP and the Center for Studies and Research in Nursing History (CEPHE). São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Maria Itayra Padilha, UFSC/Voluntary retired professor, Department of Nursing, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Voluntary retired professor from the Nursing Department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. PhD in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). CNPq Researcher. Vice-leader of the Research Laboratory of History of Knowledge in Nursing and Health (GEHCES). Santa Catarina, SC, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Afonso, S., Neves, V., & Padilha, M. I. (2022). Knowledge construction in the academic space of the Escola Paulista de Enfermagem. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 13(2), e02.



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