Laboratory of Research Studies in History of Nursing and Health Knowledge - GEHCES

25 years building stories


  • Maria Itayra Padilha
  • Miriam Susskind Borenstein
  • Maria Lígia dos Reis Bellaguarda


The GEHCES was formalized as a group in 1995, after approval of a research project related to the Brazilian Nursing Congresses, coordinated by the Professor Dr. Lygia Paim. At the time, visiting
professor of the Post-Graduate Nursing Program of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, PPGEN/UFSC). It is characterized by being a Lab linked to the research line of “Education, Health, and Nursing History” in the PPGEN/UFSC.


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Padilha MI, Ferreira AC, Maliska ICA, Villarinho MV, Zykuewisz GV, Sell C. Recent trends in scholarship on the history of nursing in Brazil. Hist Cienc Saude-Manguinhos. 2013;20(2):695-707. doi: 10.1590/S0104-59702013000200019.

Padilha MI, Borenstein MS, Carvalho MAL, Ferreira AC. Nursing history research groups: a Brazilian reality. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2012;46(1):192-99. doi: 10.1590/S0080-62342012000100026

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Laboratorio de Estudos de Historia do Conhecimento da Enfermagem e Saude: Sobre o Grupo [Internet]. Sobre o Grupo. 2020[cited 2020 Set. 17]. Available from:

Borenstein MS. Hospitais da grande Florianopolis: Fragementos de memorias coletivas (1940-1960). Florianopolis: Editora Nova Letra; 2004. 117 p.

Borenstein MS; Padilha MI. Enfermagem em Santa Catarina: recortes de uma Historia (1900-2011). Florianópolis: Editora Secco; 2011. 271 p.

Vieira AN, Petry S, Padilha MI. Best Practices in Historical Studies of Nursing and Health (1999-2017). Rev. Bras. Enferm. [Internet]. 2019 Aug [cited 2020 Sep 19];72(4): 973-978. Available from: Epub Aug 19, 2019.

Carvalho, JB; EICH, A; Borenstein, MS; Maia, ARC; Villarinho, MV; Padilha, MI. La producción científica del Grupo de Investigación del Conocimiento en Enfermería y Salud (1995-2015). Temperamentum (Granada), v. 13, p. 11215-16, 2017.



How to Cite

Padilha, M. I., Borenstein, M. S., & Bellaguarda, M. L. dos R. (2020). Laboratory of Research Studies in History of Nursing and Health Knowledge - GEHCES: 25 years building stories. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 11(2), 1–3. Retrieved from




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