Interdisciplinary work developed by group health professionals of pregnant and/or pregnant couples (1996-2016)
Pregnant women, Health education, Prenatal care, Patient care teamAbstract
Objective: To know the interdisciplinary work developed by health professionals during the meetings of the group of pregnant women and / or pregnant couples from 1996 to 2016. Method: Qualitative research of a social-historical nature, using Content Analysis of interviews through history oral thematic study of 11 health professionals who participated in a pregnant and / or pregnant group from 1996 to 2016, and documental research for data conferencing and reliability. Th e analysis was guided by Dorothea Orem’s theory of self-care. Results: The meaning of interdisciplinary work was discussed in the group of pregnant women, strengthening their practice and meeting the needs of the community, as well as their importance throughout their trajectory and their contributions to pregnant women, family, social and academic communities, giving the opportunity for information, strengthening and creating the family bond. Final considerations: The group of pregnant women becomes a space for the formation and development of students and health professionals, through the exchange of experiences and integrated practices. As health practices, they influence normal delivery, breastfeeding, the self-confidence of the woman and her partner, and empowerment in the process of gestating and giving birth.
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