Science Fiction Nursing
Hildegard Peplau in Isaac Asimov's tale “Lastborn"
Abstract: The nursing profession is concerned about its image within popular culture. Nightingale (1860), denounced, within the literary genre, the negative representations of the nursing work of that time. It is analyzed from Hildegard Peplau's nurse model, the representation that Isaac Asimov had narrated in his science fiction tale "Lastborn". Through the application of this model, an empathy relationship is observed between the nurse Edith and the young boy Timmie. The study of the science fiction tale"Lastborn" allows one to disclose the art of nursing care from Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relationships. It values the nursing work, contributing to minimize the negative representations of nursing in the popular imaginary.
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- 2022-04-05 (2)
- 2021-09-16 (1)
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