First writings on nursing care in wounds and dressings in Brazil (1916-1947)
History of Nursing, Nursing Care, Wounds and Injuries, BandagesAbstract
Introduction: the nursing care in wounds and dressings has been present since the first publications in the health area, indicating a technical assignment rooted in its professional approach. Objective: to investigate the first Brazilian writings on nursing care in wounds and dressings published in books and articles. Method: We opted for a documentary research based on Brazilian periodicals and books published until 1949. The texts were searched, read and compiled according to types of wounded and dressings, the attributions of the nurses, specific care, materials and instruments. Results: eight Brazilian books about the professional nursing education described the general care in dressings, besides emphasizing
techniques related to the continuous irrigation of wounds, burns and pressure ulcers. Conclusion: the writings about wounds and dressings presented diversification and complexity of material and technical resources of application, many of them of nomenclature peculiar to the time, which probably influenced the repertoire of knowledge and the formation of the incipient professional nurses.
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