Nursing now Brazil
a history of challenges for today's achievements
Editorial, NursingAbstract
The year 2020 enters into the History of Nursing, going far beyond the Celebrations of the bicentenary of Florence Nigtingale. The COVID-19 pandemic generated a major international health crisis and made it evident that Nursing professionals have a significant social and economic impact on people's lives and on the development of nations, as they represent the largest workforce in the health systems worldwide, with approximately 27.9 million professionals, inserted in the most diverse care contexts.
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All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health. Triple impact: how developing nursing will improve health, promote gender equality and support economic growth[Internet]. London: APPG; 2016 [cited Feb 20, 2020]. Available from:
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Mendes IAC, Ventura CAA, Silva MCN, Lunardi VL, Silva IR, Santos SS. Nursing now and Always: evidence for the implementation of the Nursing Now campaign. Rev Latino-Am Enfermagem. 2020;28.
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