The Insertion Of Obstetrics Nurses In Hospital Childbirth In Rio De Janeiro (1988- 1992)


  • Jane Márcia Progianti
  • Ricardo José Oliveira Mouta
  • Simone Pereira dos Santos


Obstetrical nursing, Nursing history, Nursing


Qualitative study of social-historical approach that aims to analyze the power of relations between doctors and obstetrics nurses over to the insertion process of these obstetrics nurses in the assistance delivery and discuss the obstetrics nurses fight´s strategies for the delivery space occupation of care hospital called IMMFM. The primary sources were written documents and oral testimony gotten through semi-structured interviews with the pioneering nurses obstetrics assisting in the delivery room. The steps of the analysis were: assortment, classification, and the data triangulations. To support the analysis we were used field concepts of habitus, symbolic power and capital, from Pierre Bourdieu. Were developed two strategies for the performance of obstetrics nurses so much administrative, thus field occupying. We were conclude that although obstetrics nurses owner a different cultural capital from doctor have left to win, to take and remain in your obstetrics filed work space.


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How to Cite

Progianti, J. M., Mouta, R. J. O., & Santos, S. P. dos. (2011). The Insertion Of Obstetrics Nurses In Hospital Childbirth In Rio De Janeiro (1988- 1992). História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 2(2), 89–104. Retrieved from



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