Epidemiological Profile of Customers Carriers of Tuberculosis Multi-resistant accompanied in the General Hospital Ambulatory Otávio de Freitas in Recife, in the period January 2002 to January 2007
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, Epidemiological Surveillance, Epidemiological ProfilesAbstract
Retrospective Study of the epidemiological profile of the cases of Multi-resistant Tuberculosis (MRTB), accompanied by ambulatory of the General Hospital Otávio de Freitas in Recife, between January 2002 and January 2007. It was identified the care of 33 patients with diagnostic / diagnostic hypothesis of MRTB, confirmed diagnostic in 100% cases, presenting smear positive and culture of sputum positive in 100% of cases and test HIV negative in 97%. Since the predominant male, with 63.6%, and the age group of 35 to 44 years, with 45.5%. 97% of patients had TBMR pulmonary, where 40% with compromised bilateral lungs. From co-morbidities highlighted is the alcoholism, with 27.3%. The resistance to drugs, 1st line detects 100% to Isoniazid and 96.0% to Rifampicin and 15.2% of the cases had failed previous treatments for MRTB. In the treatment of MRTB, prevailed using the scheme 3rd line, where the use of drugs in the cases treated were 100% Terizidone of 89.7% Floxacin of 51.7% Clofazimin and 48.3% of Amicacina; drugs, 1st, 2nd and 3rd line as Ethambutol focused on 96.6%. Presented by high cure in 57.6% of cases, 21.2% is in treatment and 21.2% had deaths out of the time of treatment. The high rate of cure was at 73.1%, among those who completed or are still in treatment, once satisfactory nationally. Existence of comorbidities, choice of drugs that will combat Multi-resistance of micro bacillus, and efficiency of monitoring during and after high the patient are important factors that influence in combating TBMR.
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