Florence Nightingale e o Hospital pediátrico de Lisboa


  • Óscar Ramos Ferreira Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa
  • Rúben Filipe Ricardo Santos
  • Joana Serra de Noronha
  • Marta Marques Tavares
  • Rita Mariana Vieira Matos
  • Tatiana Filipe Santos
  • Cristina Lavareda Baixinho Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa




História da Enfermagem, Atenção à Saúde, Administração de Serviços de Saúde, Hospitais Pediátricos, Saúde da Criança


Objective: The purpose of this study is to understand the importance of the work "Notes on Hospitals" as a source for the study of the Bemposta Hospital (Lisbon Paediatric Hospital) and the hospital nursing practice in this institution from 1870 onwards. Method: Historical study, with analysis of official regulations and analysis of the 2nd and 3rd editions of Notes on Hospitals from 1859 and 1863 respectively. Results: The 3rd ed. in English language is divided into nine parts, which are spread over XII + 192p. In the sixth part (pp. 124-132) it discusses children's hospitals, using as an example the project of the Children's Hospital of Lisbon (1869-1861). He warns about the specificity of children's wards and nursing, appealing to the need for paediatric care to be provided by women and for the services to be staffed in quality and quantity appropriate to the characteristics of the small patients. Conclusion: The book proves to be an important source for the study of the early days of the Dona Estefânia Hospital, of nursing in the 19th century and of Florence Nightingale's ideas about the principles to be followed in the construction of different types of hospitals and the most adequate type of nursing for each one of them.

Descriptors: Nursing History; Florence Nightingale; Notes on Hospitals; Children's Hospital; Child Nursing.


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Author Biography

Óscar Ramos Ferreira, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa

Departamento de Fundamentos de Enfermagem, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Lisboa; Centro de Investigação, Inovação e Desenvolvimento em Enfermagem de Lisboa (CIDNUR)| oferreira@esel.pt | http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1703-347X


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How to Cite

Ferreira, Óscar R., Santos, R. F. R., Noronha, J. S. de, Tavares, M. M., Matos, R. M. V., Santos, T. F., & Baixinho, C. L. (2023). Florence Nightingale e o Hospital pediátrico de Lisboa. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 14, e01. https://doi.org/10.51234/here.2023.v14.e01



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