Hypodermoclysis in the history of nursing

attributions for nurses in Brazil (1916-1943)


  • Maria Célia Laranjeira Rigonatto Bonizio




Nursing Care, Nurses, History of Nursing, Hypodermoclysis, Physician-Nurse Relations


Objective: Analyze the historical construction between hypodermoclysis and Brazilian nursing from the perspective of the Marxist dialectics. Methods: Integrative review with socio-historical discussion. Data collection was based on books published in Brazil until 1949. Information on the subject was extracted. The attributions of nursing were discussed in the light of the historical-dialectical materialism. Results: The authors provided the nurses’ position on the concept, therapeutic indication, consumption material, place of administration, precaution, adverse event and care. There was greater emphasis on some assignments to the detriment of others, empowering nurses preferentially in operational matters. This fact influenced the production relations and established a dialectic between the actions of doctors and nurses. Final considerations: Within the economic production of hypodermoclysis, there were converging views that made nursing attributions gain more professional empowerment, placing the position of nursing in the care infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Bonizio, M. C. L. R. (2021). Hypodermoclysis in the history of nursing: attributions for nurses in Brazil (1916-1943). História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 12(2), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.51234/here.21.v12n2.a4



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