From the positioning task to the position therapy, a change announced by the history (1900-1953)


  • Luis Lisboa Santos
  • Óscar Ferreira
  • Cristina Lavareda Baixinho


History, Positioning of the Patient, Nursing care


Introduction: Position therapy, commonly referred to as therapeutic positioning, is an autonomous complex nursing intervention, which alone or in combination with others, has a high therapeutic potential in the different transitions throughout the life cycle. Aims: To identify the therapeutic positioning in the regulations, regiments and reference books of health care in Portugal, in the temporal cut, between 1900 and 1953, and to analyze this intervention as a therapy. Method: Historical study, with documentary analysis of different primary sources (regulations, regiments, hospital norms, books for the training of nurses). Results: In the historical period under analysis, the positioning ceased to be an intervention dependent on medical prescription and low value, to be assumed as a therapy in nursing care, aiming at the comfort of the person and facilitating the satisfaction of basic human needs, for example oxygenation and elimination, and is also used as an adjuvant to other treatments. Conclusions: In the first half of the twentieth century, the positioning is assumed as a fundamental care in the praxis of nurses. With the manuals and books used for the training of nurses, they have specific indications about materials, purposes and precautions in the use of this therapy.


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How to Cite

Santos, L. L., Ferreira, Óscar, & Baixinho, C. L. (2019). From the positioning task to the position therapy, a change announced by the history (1900-1953). História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 10(1), 21–43. Retrieved from



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