Lenilde Duarte de Sá

life and teaching inspired by the art of caring


  • Arieli Rodrigues Nóbrega Videres
  • Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega


Biography, History of Nursing, Nursing care, Education


Th is is a biographical study, which aims to historicize Lenilde Duarte de Sá’s personal and professional life trajectory, a nurse who loved politics and the art of caring, prioritizing the contributions of her work to the construction of knowledge in the area of Health and Nursing. When consulting written documents, such as her Curriculum Lattes and her Memorial, it was found that during her 26 years in teaching – from 1991 to 2017 – dedicated to Nursing and related areas, she signifi cantly contributed to the development of Universidade Estadual da Paraíba and Universidade Federal da Paraíba, the institutions where her academic history unfolded. Her biography points to the development of singular activities in teaching (Undergraduate and Graduate), research, university extension and university administration, from the point of view of human care. A wise, competent, futurist and altruistic woman, Lenilde Duarte de Sá planted and constructed, in the Nursing area of the state of Paraíba, the idea that humanized social practices focused on the caring process would be required to expand the skills, abilities and knowledge; thus, improving the employability and visibility of the profession in Paraíba and in Brazil. 


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How to Cite

Videres, A. R. N., & Nóbrega, M. M. L. da. (2018). Lenilde Duarte de Sá: life and teaching inspired by the art of caring. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 9(2), 141–148. Retrieved from https://aben.emnuvens.com.br/here/article/view/376



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