History and memory of Maria do Amparo Barbosa
Nursing, History of life, TeachingAbstract
Objective: To describe the life and professional path of Maria do Amparo Barbosa, and to analyze her
participation in teaching, care, and class entities of Nursing in Piauí. Methods: It was a social-historical
study that used oral and written sources, of which the fi rst were collected through the testimony of
the study collaborator. Results: Th e fi ndings and testimony of the collaborator enabled to outline
the relationship of the protagonist with Piauí nursing, namely: Life and training; Acting in health;
Contributions to nursing education; Participation in class entities. Final considerations: Maria do
Amparo Barbosa was a woman who overcame obstacles to become a nurse and gain recognition. Th e
performance of the homonymous protagonist contributed to pediatric nursing and nursing class societies, thus becoming crucial to record her history and memory for the development of Piauí nursing.
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