"The government of the state of São Paulo is interested in your son"

the São Paulo mother ideal between 1937 and 1964


  • Danilo Fernandes Brasileiro
  • Rodrigo Contrera Ramos
  • Bianca Oliveira Ferro
  • Maria Cristina da Costa Marques


Health Education, History, Infant Care, Child Care, Public health


This is a historical-documentary study, with the purpose of analyzing and describing concepts and patterns of behavior, constructed and disseminated by the Book of Moms, written by the pediatric doctor Wladimir de Toledo Piza, published between 1937 and 1964, with a view to constructing a new ideology of mother / motherhood, proposed by the state of São Paulo. The data were collected in the collection of the Emilio Ribas Public Health Museum in São Paulo. With the collection in hand, a digital copy of its eight editions was made, allowing the construction of a database, which optimized the organization, interpretation and analysis of the data. After rigorous analysis the results were classified and presented in three categories: 1 - Knowing the Structure; 2 - Constructed Concepts; and 3-Disseminated Patterns. It was concluded that the collection, as a health education strategy, had an informal but meticulously persuasive textual structure, so that the concepts and behavior patterns found on the main themes (breastfeeding, parallel feeding, mercenary breastfeeding and immunization) sought to forge an ideology of mother of São Paulo, as a submissive, facilitating and responsible woman, especially in the domestic sphere, by adopting and applying the new dictates of pediatric medicine.


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How to Cite

Brasileiro, D. F., Ramos, R. C., Ferro, B. O., & Marques, M. C. da C. (2018). "The government of the state of São Paulo is interested in your son": the São Paulo mother ideal between 1937 and 1964. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 9(1), 20–34. Retrieved from https://aben.emnuvens.com.br/here/article/view/364



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