Carepraised in the book "The nurse of psychopaths" - 1939


  • Aline dos Santos da Silva
  • Érika Bicalho de Almeida
  • Julieta Brites Figueiredo
  • Almerinda Moreira
  • Wellington Mendonça de Amorim


History of nursing, Ambulatory care, Nursing care, Psychiatric nursing


This study was aimed at analyzing the contents of a work that was understood as an element for specialization of nurses and nurses providing care to psychopaths. It is a documentary research, which used as a source of research written documents and the book "The Nurse of Psychopaths" written by Dr. Adolpho Possollo in 1939, whose reading and analysis collaborated to identify the
contributions of this knowledge to the beginning of the psychiatric nursing in Brazil. Found as a result the detailed description of nursing care provided at the time and were presented in the work as the most frequent disorders in psychiatric settings.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. dos S. da, Almeida, Érika B. de, Figueiredo, J. B., Moreira, A., & Amorim, W. M. de. (2015). Carepraised in the book "The nurse of psychopaths" - 1939. História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 6(1), 83–92. Retrieved from



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