Let Live Or Let Die?

Interfaces Of The Contemporary Biopolitic Dejar


  • Franciele Roberta Cordeiro
  • Cristiane Trivisiol da Silva
  • Monalisa da Silva Pinheiro


Death, Nursing, Trends, Palliative Care


It discusses the relationship between life and death, highlighting the demands among the dying phenomenon that emerged in recent years. To the discussions, we used some concepts, specially the “biopower” and “government”, as proposed by Michel Foucault, followed by the current contributions of Nikolas Rose. Among the observed changes over the last century and more specifically over the past few years, there is the emergence of another way to care for and govern the subject in the dying process. Those people that previously were out the discourses of health
professionals now have visibility, especially from the invention of palliative care. We identify the difficulty in approach the death as a "natural" issue or to effect the "letting die", because the investments in technology and molecular harsh on the body. These investments convey the feeling that it is possible to govern the end, decide about the possibilities of intervention and refute the death. It is concluded that the contemporary medicine with the State strategies put in practice other ways of die and live, which are subject called to attend and intervene in decisions regarding their bodies. 


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How to Cite

Cordeiro, F. R., Silva, C. T. da, & Pinheiro, M. da S. (2014). Let Live Or Let Die? Interfaces Of The Contemporary Biopolitic Dejar . História Da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 5(1), 95–107. Retrieved from https://aben.emnuvens.com.br/here/article/view/289




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